
FREE Executive Webinar:

“Security and Compliance made Easy”

Webinar Details:

LIVE: 12/5/2024
Start Time: 2:00 PM

During This Webinar You’ll Discover:

  • What is the difference between Security and Compliance?
  • Is Compliance alone enough to protect my business?
  • What is a “Framework” and why is following one important?
  • What businesses should use a compliance framework and why
  • The 6 Point Action Plan for you and your business to be protected

Who should attend:

CEO’s, Business Owners, Business Managers, IT Team Leads and anyone interested in not having a Cyber Insurance claim DENIED!

Register By Completing
The Form Below:


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Here's What Others Have To Say About The Webinar

Willing to stay until the job is done

What I like most about TNDI is the fast, quick, and reliable fixes and willingness to stay until the job is done. Vast knowledge base and you always know who to call to help you when need support.

Jacmar Foodservice Distribution Amy Henning IT Manager
Jacmar Foodservice Distribution

The service is great

We would and have recommended The Network Dr to others. The service is great. Bob and Josh are great people and they always put the customer first. They never blame us for errors. When the system has really been down and out they never let on that the problem is a MAJOR one - they solve the problem without worrying us.

Aphex Systems Inc. Julie Garcia Office Manager
Aphex Systems Inc.

Would you recommend our services?

Definitely, as you deliver on your promise to quickly address our computer problems.

Braden, Hinchcliffe and Hawley, LLP Everett Hinchcliffe President
Braden, Hinchcliffe and Hawley, LLP