
Don’t Fall Victim: Protecting Your Business from Malicious Web App Downloads

Progressive web applications are valuable for business owners. These tools allow your customers or employees to view and navigate your brand’s online pages more easily than traditional apps. PWAs enhance the user ...

5G Technology: The Game-Changer for Small Businesses

Is your small or medium-sized business still relying on WiFi, which uses routers and radio signals to connect devices within a finite area? If so, you probably have restrictions on Internet range, ...

Harness the Power of Data Analysis to Skyrocket Your Business Growth

Data is king in the current business landscape. It’s an era of ever-changing market dynamics, strong competition, and an increasingly demanding customer base. Therefore, it’s no longer practical to rely on guts ...

Apple’s iOS 18: Unlocking New Possibilities for Your Business

Suppose you're a business owner currently using an Apple operating system. In that case, you may have been anticipating the big launch of Apple's iOS 18 for some time. With many customizations ...

How IT Can Drive Business Growth

As a business owner or leader, one of your responsibilities is exploring new ways to grow your business. There are many approaches you can use to achieve that goal, but not many ...

Understanding Data Breaches: What Businesses Need to Know

Running a business means constantly collecting customer data, like identity and behavioral information, and using it to personalize user experiences and complete orders. Without it, a company would struggle to function and ...

June 2024 Microsoft Patch Tuesday

In June 2024, Microsoft took action, fixing many issues its users noticed while using their programs and devices. These tech giants have been busy, from removing a specific default setting that had ...

Frustrated With BAD Tech Support? You’re Not Alone

A recent stream of Reddit comments emerged detailing a series of poor customer service experiences with tech support. While I typically try to stay clear of Reddit and its gang of chronic ...

Massive Layoffs In 2024 Create A Serious Threat To Your Cybersecurity

The massive wave of layoffs in 2024 brings a cybersecurity threat that most business owners aren’t focusing on – offboarding employees. Even big-time brands that you would expect to have top-of-the-line cybersecurity ...

Travel Smart: Essential Cybersecurity Practices For A Hack-Free Vacation

Summer is a popular time for business owners and employees to step out of the office and take a well-deserved vacation. Even if their “out of office” e-mail responder is active, many ...


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